Vivanta by Taj - Gomti Nagar, Lucknow i Lucknow

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IndienVivanta by Taj - Gomti Nagar, Lucknow



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Vipin Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226010, India
kontakter telefon: +91 522 671 1000
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Latitude: 26.851613, Longitude: 80.9734977

kommentar 5

  • Aditya Pandey

    Aditya Pandey


    The hall was very beautiful and had a hint of royalty. The drinks and the food served were very exquisite and were very delicious. I simply loved it. The waiters were very professional and good. I was delighted to be there. Thank you so much for the experience.

  • Aman Patil

    Aman Patil


    Carries the Taj brand and does a complete justice to it. The front office staff is courteous, food quality and quantity is good. The buffet layout is excellent, a special mention of the lady playing live flute in the morning is an experience and differentiator. A pleasing experience. The ground floor rooms should be disinfected timely and also mosquito repellents should be a part of standard room amenities since covered with lot of greenery. Staff is courteous and polite. Highly recommended

  • Nitin Sharma

    Nitin Sharma


    This hotel is in Lucknow, hotel situated in prominent and posh location. Good building, infrastructure and hospitality. Rooms are good, clean and fresh. Food quality is average and needs improvement. Food should be served as per the requirement of customers. In all hotel is good and one of the best hotel in Lucknow district.

  • Shashank Monappa

    Shashank Monappa


    Excellent place to stay. Had a royal experience. Amazing ambience, posh rooms and a balcony to add! The gardens are well maintained and are a treat to look at. Brilliant and courteous staff as well. Just perfect!

  • Sudarshan Murthy K

    Sudarshan Murthy K


    The hotel is at a very good location. About 20-30 mins drive from airport with great parks throughout your way ( Deserted always ) The hotel has the signature Taj hospitality and the feel. Close to few malls and small eateries in case your bored of the in house food. Excellent place to be.

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