Vivanta by Taj - Surya i Coimbatore

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IndienVivanta by Taj - Surya


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105, Race Course Road, Near KG Hospital, Gopalapuram, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641018, India
kontakter telefon: +91 422 668 1000
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Latitude: 11.0020308, Longitude: 76.9736158

kommentar 5

  • sujeesh nair

    sujeesh nair


    Awesome place. We had a company events here and the guests totally loved the ambience, the food and especially the service. Great banquet team. I also stayed at the hotel during the event and the staff was very welcoming. The rooms as per Taj brand standards were good and with a great view. Thank you to the banquet, reservations and front office staff for the wonderful stay.

  • en

    Thomas Clarke


    Nice big comfortable bed. Poorly equipped room though. Only an office chair despite the fact you could fit a proper armchair or a couch even. So no comfort if you have a stay over 2 days. No ironing board so can't iron a shirt. Mini bar not refreshed daily and very poorly stocked from the outset. Great shower and bathroom. Overall I would give a 3.5 . Restaurants are fine and the bar is ok. Closes too early so you end up on an office chair beerless. Fine for a few days.. Staff are nice.

  • Divya Bargavi

    Divya Bargavi


    Taj is always Taj!! The gratification you get here is enormous.. Be it in aspects of their warm hospitality, tasty delicacies, wonderful service, amazing mezzanine floor pools, spa recreations.. everything is just awesome. The only con I found in this Taj, Coimbatore is that the in-room services are slow. If you want a in-room coffee, be sure to order it before half an hour. If you want a housekeeping service, the same time constraint applies. Rest of the everything is just simply superb!!

  • Raj Kawsik

    Raj Kawsik


    I had been there for a medical conference and it was well organised. The ambience of the hotel is pleasant with well trained faculty. The size of the hall was decent with good seating facilities. U have valet parking too. The food was also good but that was in conference, not in the main hotel.

  • Avitus John Raakesh Prasad

    Avitus John Raakesh Prasad


    Set up in race course area of Coimbatore... A beautiful pool and spa center.... Very good tasty food... Room service is great and on time.... Definitely a good stay and relaxation. Conference and business meetings halls are adequate for smaller groups.

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