Wonderland Park i Raipur

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienWonderland Park



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Mahadev Ghat Road, Indraprastha Colony, Raipura, Raipur, Chhattisgarh 492013, India
kontakter telefon: +91 91310 22762
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Latitude: 21.2324298, Longitude: 81.5772361

kommentar 5

  • Pawan Gupta

    Pawan Gupta


    Lovely place to visit But they do not accept transactions through debit or credit card.

  • en

    abhay shankar dwivedi


    Good place to chill..but not as gud as fun city approach road is worst..no.atms near by no restaurant near by..and life guards are also very creepy type they stare the family like haven't seen girls in life hahaa..and water level is very low..and very very expensive as per the facilities..no swiping machine..and costume charge is very high...worst experience..400 per head is too costly even if ur with family parking lot have nothing..worst staff..very very cheap and local staff in pool..they are not even well dressed...a third class water park..go for somewhere else..no shelter is properly arranged there..staff is very non cooperative and life guard are worst there very cheap local guys..don't even they speak properly to customers...only the gud thing is rush is very low....

  • rock star

    rock star


    It's an amazing place to visit with family almost like mm fun city

  • en

    shafique khan


    Thrilling rides, all the rides are not kept open during wave pool and rain dance. Rates are on higher side.very limited rides.All said it's quite enjoyable

  • BK Patel

    BK Patel


    Nice swimming pool. Its really cool place for fun with family and friends. But little weak in management of pool. Water smell badly. and slider and boats required more because must required for a waterpark. here photographers are also available for amazing photography. Go there and enjoy.

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