Yogi Metropolitan i Navi Mumbai

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienYogi Metropolitan



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24, Naga Tukaram Patil Marg, 400706, Navi Mumbai, Thane, IN India
kontakter telefon: +91 22 6768 3333
internet side: yogimetropolitan.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 19.0680826, Longitude: 73.0109605

kommentar 5

  • Ankur Rattan

    Ankur Rattan


    An ok place to stay while near Sanpada station. Overpriced rooms and food. Food quality is good and also has a Bar.

  • Arkaprabha Das

    Arkaprabha Das


    Great rooms.... Nice staff. Overall good experience

  • en

    chandrika sanghi


    Beautiful hotel situated right on the highway. Not a luxury hotel as such but perfect for a corporate stay. Specially if you are looking for something in Navi Mumbai in particular. Also the outdoor restaurant has delicious soup. Their tomato shorba and sizzlers were my favourites. The restaurant also serves amazing sheesha .. in fact there was 1+1 on the sheesha. The staff is very well trained too. Surely an amazing experience!

  • en

    Arun M


    I talk about the rooms. This looks a vintage hotel with approach to the rooms are the worst you have. A.c. drips water well inside the room. I've stayed twice in this hotel in the last 7 months and on both occasions I got cold. Needless to say the washrooms were damp forever. You get sick by looking at room itself. There is a huge disparity in how they maintain the banquet and restaurant and the rooms. They bloody don't care about the rooms.

  • Nayan Waghela

    Nayan Waghela


    *April Cool Celebration!* *just Imagine,* _"In this Hot Summer a chilled glass of water gives you the heavenly feeling!"_ Yes, We as *नर फाउंडेशन* are planning for this COOL celebration on 1st April,2018 i.e TOMMOROW by Afternoon when sun will be at it's peak! ☀ We need a small help from you, we need sponsors for these water glasses, we would be on our toes to satisfy the thirst of commuters,kids and needy people.🗣🚶🏼‍♂🍶 Just imagine a glass of water💦 that gives आह! Feeling 😍 can also give a good number Of blessings! Let's do this, *आह से आह तक, अप्रैल कुल!*😍😌 You are free to contact me for further details you need to know! *नर फाउंडेशन!*💪🏻

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