Zakir Husain College Of Engineering & Technology i Aligarh

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IndienZakir Husain College Of Engineering & Technology


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AMU Campus, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh 202001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 7412 235 685
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Latitude: 27.9148588, Longitude: 78.076379

kommentar 5

  • Md Osama

    Md Osama


    This is the best Engineering College for Quality Education And Culture.Etc....

  • en

    Arfa Anwar


    One of the best engineering colleges of India. It is most affordable for every class and provide quality education. Built on a very large area. Having mosque inside. It is ranked 23rd.

  • Veeresh Yadav

    Veeresh Yadav


    Best college of aligarh for engineers. .

  • en

    marzooq rahman


    The college's curriculum is quite loose so that it gives you the opportunity to focus on projects and stuff that you like to do. The Alumni network of AMU is magnanimous and they are pretty generous too, if they like an idea of the student they are sure to fund it. also it is a great platform to propel yourselves for higher studies since the prep for exams takes only one night(considering you are a good learner) they call it "one night fights"

  • Amir Ruzdan

    Amir Ruzdan


    This is one of the best colleges in India with best faculty and department.It has been ranked 23 among the best technical institutes by Times.It has graduation

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