Café Coffee Day i New Delhi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienCafé Coffee Day


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Janpath Lane, 110001, New Delhi, New Delhi, IN Indien
kontakter telefon: +91 1800 102 5093
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Latitude: 28.624375, Longitude: 77.2172943

kommentar 5

  • Shivraj Dhaka

    Shivraj Dhaka


    Ok good

  • Sunil Goswami

    Sunil Goswami


    Nice place with seating on two floors. The beverages are lovely especially the Tropical Knockout. They don't rush you to get out. A nice place to hang out and have light snacks.

  • Dhananjay Ketkar

    Dhananjay Ketkar


    Not a good option for hangout with friends here but great place for unofficial meetings. As this place is too close to janpath metro station so it is very easy to reach there and also ambiance of this place is best for team outing, unofficial client meeting, and formal get together. Staff Is very polite and helpful and the best thing i like about this place is shape of bottle and Chinese platter.

  • en

    Deepak Jaisingh


    It is a Cafe coffee day outlet in Janpath, Delhi. Interior planning is very bad. No proper sitting and legroom space. The place is not maintened properly. It is dirty. Washroom are not clean. I would not like to go here again, unless they improve. I don't expect such an outlet from Café coffee day.




    This is the first time when I came out disappointed from a Caffee Coffee day shop. dirty washroom, no internet access and worst staff behavior.

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