Carnival Cinemas i Vasai

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienCarnival Cinemas


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Opp. West Panchal Nagar Walkway, Navghar Road, Anand Nagar, Vasai West, Panchal Nagar, Anand Nagar, Vasai West, Vasai, Maharashtra 401202, India
kontakter telefon: +91 250 234 4444
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Latitude: 19.378537, Longitude: 72.8287852

kommentar 5

  • Harsh Thakker

    Harsh Thakker


    Good place to watch movies if you leave in Vasai east. The place is like a maze. Screen are on different side and canteen on other side. And staff here is polite but the cleaning staff is not polite.

  • Aftab Shah

    Aftab Shah


    Awesome Cinema.. It Looks Good From Outside Nd Has Good View From Inside Also.. If Uh Stay In Near By Area It Is Good To Watch Here Only..

  • pankaj thakur

    pankaj thakur


    This theatre is located in vasai east. In this mall there are very few eating outlets except Macdonalds, which provides only few options. but the theatre is well managed and have 3 screens in total. they provide good offers on Wednesday's. they also provide a membership kind of thing. wherein you need to buy a card for Rs. 500 and you can watch unlimited movies in a month except on weekends.

  • shubham raut

    shubham raut


    Hate it. First- their is no space between your seat and another seat which is placed in front of You, Even my leg got hurt because of it. Second- screen is too small u can’t even watch movie properly and forget about 3D movie it’s useless. Third- Snacks price are so high and food we get for that amount of money is totally waste as watching 3D movie in This theatre. Fourth- seat comfort is pathetic. Fifth - The parking is decent (The only positive)

  • en

    sanket amin


    Management has changed. But things are quite the same. Not so good experience. A/C weren't working properly and the service is still average. They need to make some necessary changes for a better experience for the viewers. Overall cleanliness is better than before.

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