CLTA Tennis Stadium i Chandigarh

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IndienCLTA Tennis Stadium



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Opposite DAV College, Sector-10, Chandigarh, India, 10C, Sector 10, Chandigarh, 160011, India
kontakter telefon: +91 172 274 0543
internet side:
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Latitude: 30.7506238, Longitude: 76.7859129

kommentar 5

  • en

    vikram vikramk1970


    My daughter has been playing at CLTA for the past three years. She was coming to this place after many unsuccessful attempts at other academies, a major injury and low self esteem. The coaches at CLTA not only helped her to improve her game tremendously but also lifted her confidence levels. For us CLTA has played a pinnacle role in our lives. If you are dreaming of playing professional tennis give this academy a try.......!

  • Vishal Iyer

    Vishal Iyer


    The best tennis experience one can get! Worth it!

  • Sahil Khan

    Sahil Khan


    Good place but security staff was very rudely behaved 😕😕

  • Balwinder Singh Sipray

    Balwinder Singh Sipray


    CLTA (Chandigarh Lawns Tennis Association) Stadium, Sector 10-C, Chandigarh is a good place to play and get training of tennis, in Chandigarh. International standard facilities and coaches are available here for lawn tennis.

  • Saini



    An executive lounge serves also for conferences there is adequate office space for use of the organizers during major tournament. All the rooms are air conditioned. At advantage point in the spectators’ stands are five commentators’ boxes for TV and radio. All sound proof and air conditioned. CLTA`s tennis complex is appropriately located in a 300 acre green park called Chandigarh leisure valley against a backdrop of the Shivalik range of the Himalayas. The city is beautiful pollution free and well connected by road, rail and air with India’s capital city of Delhi 250 kilometers away.

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