Hockey Stadium i Chandigarh

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienHockey Stadium


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Sports Complex, Udyan Path, Sector 42, 42A, Sector 42, Chandigarh, 160036, India
kontakter telefon: +91 172 264 6444
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Latitude: 30.729294, Longitude: 76.7455557

kommentar 5

  • AjaiPratap S

    AjaiPratap S


    Turf seems old now. Moreover, blue Colour is being in vogue, so it should be used instead of the faded green one.

  • en

    Mohit Madotra


    Should be provided with a place to visit for regular spectators for full overview physically analysing of differ differ grounds and courts.

  • Victor Chauhan

    Victor Chauhan


    The Infrastructure has improved significantly since the last time i saw it. Hope people would benefit from it.

  • Karna Punj

    Karna Punj


    Being a sports enthusiast it felt really amazing to be surrounded by luvly view of football-hockey fields and badminton courts n all.

  • Jatin Rai

    Jatin Rai


    Great Place. Big place to do practice there, number of playing courts like tennis court, hockey court, football court and other playing courts facilities has been provided. Over there a lot is allotted to Chandigarh Licensing Authority, to provide driving license to citizens.

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