Kacheguda i Hyderabad

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Nimboliadda, Kachiguda, Hyderabad, Telangana 500027, India
kontakter telefon: +91
internet side: www.indianrailways.gov.in
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Latitude: 17.3892881, Longitude: 78.4992612

kommentar 5

  • Sumit Kumar

    Sumit Kumar


    A railway station of Hyderabad of Telangana state. A neat and clean station. It's white building gives a beautiful outer look too.

  • Titanic Mystery

    Titanic Mystery


    This place has been modified and developed quite well. And because it's a major junction for most of the train ....it keeps a great value for visitors and traveller from the country.




    Good and nicely maintained railway station in around Hyderabad. And security wose also its well organized. When compared to SECUNDERABAD railway station its less crowded and peaceful. But most of the important trains pass through this station. When coming to food there is one new stall inside station which is far better than the other outside food stalls just in front of the station in both taste wise and cost wise also. You can see the prices of different items available in the attached images. And nicely they will provide parcel also if we are traveling in odd timings. I appreciate the efforts railway department has taken to ensure that tasty food is available at affordable prices. Enjoy your visit...

  • Rajkumar Tammisetti

    Rajkumar Tammisetti


    One of the main railway station other than Secunderabad railway station. Bus stop is at the very opposite of the exit from platform 1. Auto and car services are available. There are many Tiffin center at very accessible distance. Lodging hotels are at a walkable distance from this point.

  • Rizwan Khan

    Rizwan Khan


    One of the busiest railway station in south central railway division. The station has both escalator and lift facility at all platforms.The station is clean and tidy as because it is also a historical heritage

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