Malakpet i Hyderabad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Kala Dera, Malakpet, Hyderabad, Telangana 500024, India
kontakter telefon: +91
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Latitude: 17.3762038, Longitude: 78.4947714

kommentar 5

  • venkat vakkaptla

    venkat vakkaptla


    Wow... fantastic review... The trip must be very exhaustive for the drivers. I do not understand why Kesineni does not add another spare driver. As you mentioned they mainatin their buses in a good condition. I think this must be their longest route or maybe the Hyd must be slightly longer than this. i just wish if they could add a spare driver to reduce the driver fatigue in such long routes.

  • mani kanta

    mani kanta


    This was one convenient station For reaching CBS and Dilshuknagar for Lingampally or any other station . It having connectivity of metro also. This is enable with reservations ticket counter also. This having wheel chair ramp also.

  • Kiran Kumar A

    Kiran Kumar A


    Busy station, but well maintained, very convenient for all kinds of people, ample parking space.

  • rohit krishna

    rohit krishna


    This station is in the heart of the city, maintenance is OK. As you come out of the station Busses are available to go to different parts of the city. this station is exclusively for mmts trains and even some passenger trains do stop here.

  • Shaik Sadek

    Shaik Sadek


    Mmts is available at time to time. But the ticket counter is usally full and crowd. But it place is neat and clean and maintain. Parking is also available.

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