Niku Park i Jalandhar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienNiku Park



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Nikku park Rd, Model Town, Jalandhar, Punjab 144003, India
kontakter telefon: +91 181 246 5234
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Latitude: 31.3092961, Longitude: 75.5801067

kommentar 5

  • Abhisar Bandhan

    Abhisar Bandhan


    Multiple ride choices. Staff needs motivation. Also cleanliness and general upkeep needs to be maintained.

  • Japleen Gulati

    Japleen Gulati


    The only amusement park inside Jalandhar, the city. Invokes nostalgia. Not a match for the newer age parks that have come but pretty decent in its own respect. Has a Columbus and Splash kind of ride as its best bets. There used to be those mirrors you could see yourself in different dimensions in, not seen them around lately. This place is situated right outside the Model Town Gurudwara.

  • Ankita Khurana

    Ankita Khurana


    This is best place for little kids to spend their evening and sometimes this park becomes romantic too as many couples are seen there sitting on the benches exchanging their love.

  • Inderjeet Kumar

    Inderjeet Kumar


    Nice place to visit with family. Natural and beautiful. Children and parents enjoy rides also.

  • Navreet Bajwa

    Navreet Bajwa


    Favourite place since childhood. Great place to spend some quality time with friends and family. It has mini amusement park as well with rides for all age groups. You can also find small scale eateries inside. It has ample car parking space. Kids love this place. It does have an entry ticket though but it ain't expensive at all. Nice place to experience Jalandhar!

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