Wonderland i Jalandhar

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Nakodar Road, After Wadala Chowk, Jalandhar, Punjab 144001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 181 279 1886
internet side: wonderlandthemepark.com
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Latitude: 31.2621583, Longitude: 75.5326734

kommentar 5

  • en

    Pollywood Music


    Jalandhar Wonder Land is an amusement park with various water sports and exciting water rides. The Theme Park encompasses a huge area of 11 acres with various enthralling rides that provide wholesome entertainment to people belonging to all age groups. Some of the water rides of the Wonderland Theme Park are flying dragon, boating, bumper cars, flying jets, play house, horror house, kiddies' boating, slide splash and many more. The Water Park remains closed during the winter season as the temperature drops very low in Jalandhar.

  • Prabhjot Hargun

    Prabhjot Hargun


    An amazing family amusement park provided with ample parking space, restaurant, toy shops , food stalls , dry park , water park with full security, attention . Each ride is provided with proper safety belts. Different rides for different age groups. # kids zone# boating# fresh and healthy Eatables and meals.# hygienic washrooms# staff cooperative and polite#. Overall a wonderful spot.

  • Sunil Kumar

    Sunil Kumar


    7 Tips To Greatly Improve The Quality Of Your Car Park Car parks are a common and, some would say, underrated system within any industry - public and private. They provide an organised, safe, and easy way to park when visiting somewhere. Although holding such importance to a facility, car parks do not get the maintenance or surface paint needed to allow them to work to the best of their abilities.  In order to stay high-quality and provide the safe and efficient service that they were built for, car parks need to be built and maintained with great surfacing systems.

  • Breathandbalancewithak



    Sprawling well maintained amusement wonderful wonderland, caters to amusing everyone irrespective of age groups. Different rides are for every one from a small kid to an adult. Horror hose gives goose bumps no matter how brave you pretend to be. Water ride is favorite among the visitors above all boating is one of the popular activity. Train ride is exciting. One can have meals, snacks, hot and cold beverages too. Apart from these bumpy car rides cannot be missed!! The park is situated at the outskirts surrounded with lush green fields provide respite from city's polluted environment.

  • tarun nagpal

    tarun nagpal


    The place is wonderful for friends and family. Nice water rides and other rides. But the food is not good. I would suggest to bring own food.

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