Thane i Thane

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Station Road, Shivaji Nagar, Thane East, Jambli Naka, Thane West, Thane, Maharashtra 400601, India
kontakter telefon: +91
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Latitude: 19.1864587, Longitude: 72.9754684

kommentar 5

  • Sagar Dalvi

    Sagar Dalvi


    My Daily Routing to Thane Station.. one of the Oldest Railway Station in India.

  • Sanjay Mote

    Sanjay Mote


    Need good Architect consultancy for the makeover of present chaotic set up of the station. Afraid , perhaps InIian Railways does not take serVices of any Architect for their space management and elegant look of any station.

  • shubham koyande

    shubham koyande


    THANE RAILWAY STATION is to much busy station it connects to words cst ,kalyan ,dombavli ,kasara,karjat and panvel vashi great all basic facility available if u want to catch any express trains to words konkan railway must go station

  • prathamesh thorat

    prathamesh thorat


    biggest and busiest railway station of mumbai. it is always crowded as many outstation and local train pass through this station. there are 10 platforms and there is elevated bus depot on the west side that ease the traffic. there are many famous restaurants and food stall on both side of the station. all the facilities on this station are good and toilet is also clean.

  • dishank patel

    dishank patel


    One of the busiest station of Mumbai. Links with most of the parts of Mumbai through local trains and also other parts of India through Indian railway. There are total 10 platforms for local trains and express trains. Good facility for parking. Good connectivity outside station through autos and bus. Station is located in vast area which has many facilities. There is good market for food, shopping, etc outside the station.

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