The Imperial i New Delhi

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IndienThe Imperial



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Connaught Place, Janpath, Janpath, Connaught Place, New Delhi, Delhi 110001, Indien
kontakter telefon: +91 11 2334 1234
internet side:
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Latitude: 28.625557, Longitude: 77.218068

kommentar 5

  • Tim Weller

    Tim Weller


    High tea served by professional and attentive staff at the Atrium. Walk-in (without reservation) at 16:30 on a Monday afternoon and accommodated without a problem. Venue is cool, calm and relaxing with an air of geraniums and sound of gently bubbling fountains. The service was without fault, presentation excellent. Vegetarians are of course catered for and both veg and non-veg assortment of items for high tea were very good indeed. To set the balance, the strawberry jam accompanying the scones was great however what presented as 'cream' most definitely wasn't so, unexpectedly, this let down the repast. Also, a minor adjustment was requested for cold rather than hot milk with the tea, hot being the decidedly non-English default position. Reviewers elsewhere have commented on the order of service too... oddly scones are presented first... so just sit tight! High tea for two (and two for tea) Rs 3,540.

  • alka kaushik

    alka kaushik


    Iconic hotel in the heart of the city. Besides opulence of the hotel what takes my heart away on each visit are the gallery walls adorned with paintings documenting India's colonial past. The architectural brilliance and cultural features of the era gone by are depicted. The collection of the hotel is rich and it organises art tour for guests. Must avail.

  • Jayasankar Variyar

    Jayasankar Variyar


    An historic hotel and has excellent facilities. The ballroom is quaint which has old fans and chandeliers. The paintings of historic figures on the walls are also something to look forward to. The food is also very good. Parking is also available which is currently free for guests which for this location is extremely useful. It is an incentive for conducting events.




    Grand hotel

  • Andrew Steel

    Andrew Steel


    Dehlis Best... Simply

nærmeste Spa

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