The Park New Delhi i New Delhi

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IndienThe Park New Delhi



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15, Parliament Street, Hanuman Road Area, Connaught Place, New Delhi, Delhi 110001, Indien
kontakter telefon: +91 11 2374 3000
internet side:
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Latitude: 28.628933, Longitude: 77.2162

kommentar 5




    The rooms are not as per 5 star category. They are small and conjusted. The food at the coffee shop was good but at the banquet buffet they need to raise their standard. The staff are good and well mannered.

  • Shashank Kumar

    Shashank Kumar


    Nice place. This place have nice security arrangements and room service is also good. Currency exchange facilities is also available here , u can exchange such as dollars etc. Compare to other this is some how cheaper. Parking facilities also available here. U get daily newspaper and other stuffs.

  • en

    Jaydeep Mathure


    Room was very spacious but bathroom door was broken and front desk staff was not ready to accept it. Ideally a 5 Star property front desk would have given new room. When I went to Breakfast, spoons were not available, staff was also taking lot of time to come..Typically you don't see this type of service in 5 Star property. The 5 Star property has good ambience and service is always classy which was missing. I mean hotel was not that worth for money which we spend. Otherwise rest of the staff like AC service man, luggage services, security personnel were very prompt. Location was very good.

  • Akkad Bakkad

    Akkad Bakkad


    The Park is central located at the heart of New Delhi which makes it very easy to reach from all parts of Delhi. Hotel has a very beautiful lobby and entrance making it a delightful experience for the person coming to the Hotel for the first time. Rooms are also very clean and beautiful with awesome view from sliding giant windows. Food is delicious too.The best part about it is the park is located in the centre of Delhi.





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