The Wall Of Truth i New Delhi

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IndienThe Wall Of Truth


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New, South Block, Rakab Ganj, New Delhi, Delhi 110001, India
kontakter telefon: +91
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Latitude: 28.6196284, Longitude: 77.204651

kommentar 5

  • Deepanshu Rao

    Deepanshu Rao



  • Mandeep Singh

    Mandeep Singh


    Wall of Truth. Describing the Truth of SIKH Genocide 1984

  • Manpreet Singh

    Manpreet Singh


    Blessed efforts to lay such a memorial in the heart of Delhi to showcase and constantly remind the ill gotten Indian system's organised Genocide against the Sikhs of its own land in 1984, the black year made by its own government and no justice served till date.

  • Gill Baljeet Singh

    Gill Baljeet Singh


    Wall of Truth is Best Historical Monument in Capital City Delhi of South Asian Country India describing a Bitter Truth related to Country India. According to this Bitter Truth in Democratic Republic Country India where Every Citizen has Right to Live Peacefully and where Human Rights Violation must be a Serious Crime, there even though Well Planned Anti-Sikh Riots were very well executed by Top Congress Leaders like Bhagat, Jagdish Tytler, Sajjan Kumar, Bofors Scam Culprit Rajeev Gandhi just after Death of Dictator Indira Gandhi, a Close Friend of Russian Intelligence Agency and Big Culprit of Attack on Akal Takht and even Daughter of 1948 Gandhi Murder Mastermind Jawahar Lal Nehru.

  • en

    Gurdeep Singh Seehra


    The wall of truth established at gurudwara rakabgunj sahib ji by dsgmc in memory of all those people who were killed during 1984 riots. That was the another black day in the sikh history.

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