Hotel Riverview i Ahmedabad

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IndienHotel Riverview


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Near Sakar VII, Nehru Bridge Corner, Ashram Road, Vishalpur, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380009, India
kontakter telefon: +91 99790 44844
internet side:
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Latitude: 23.027023, Longitude: 72.5720537

kommentar 5

  • en

    Deepak Rohella


    This is worst hotel. They claim it to be 3 star but actually it's not worth a single star. The hotel staff are not even educated and look like a labourer.

  • Vijay Singh

    Vijay Singh


    Good Hotel with Excellent location. Can enjoy River Front. Good Staff. So so Breakfast. Must need to improve variety.

  • Amar Jadhav

    Amar Jadhav


    As name suggests hotel is located jus near to riverfront. Rooms are spacious and well maintained. Rooms are clean. I enjoyed stay here with affordable accommodation. Complimentary Breakfast and free wifi is available. Service is quick. Both veg and non veg food is available.

  • Jayesh Chaudhary

    Jayesh Chaudhary


    Very very bad experience... Both service nd food.. Whatever we order, they serve us different food every time and also give wrong bill which have more value than actual value in menu. I hate this place

  • Nikhil Pillai

    Nikhil Pillai


    Got a good deal on the river side view room even though it's really not a river view as the river is just barely visible. Rooms were cosy, comfortable and were clean. I like the hotels location and feasibility to other nice restaurants which came in handy for us. A good place to stay.

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