Delhi Gate i New Delhi

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IndienDelhi Gate


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Asaf Ali Road, 110002, New Delhi, Central Delhi, IN Indie
kontakter telefon: +91
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Latitude: 28.640121, Longitude: 77.2405041

kommentar 5

  • Neeraj Sharma

    Neeraj Sharma


    Delhi Gate is the southern gate of many in the historic walled city of (Old) Delhi, or Shahjahanabad . The gate links the New Delhi city with the old walled city of Delhi. It stands in the middle of the road, at the end of Netaji Subhash Chandra Road (or Netaji Subhash Marg), at the edge of the Daryaganj . The Gate was built by Emperor Shah Jahan in 1638 as part of the rubble–built high fort walls that encircled the Shahajahanabad, the seventh city of Delhi. The emperor used this gate to go to the Jama Masjid for prayer. The gate is similar in design and architecture to the northern gate of the walled city, the Kashmiri Gate (1853). It was built in sandstone and is an impressive and large structure. Near the gate entry, two stone carvings of elephants were erected. The road from this gate passes through Daryaganj leading to the Kashmiri gate . A part of the fort wall to the east has been demolished to build the Old Delhi Railway Station while the wall to the west exists.

  • en

    Shovan Singh Patwal


    Fabulous place for buying books and note books folder file and every kind of books which u want , all books available here ( school books for every class , C.A ,C.S and any course books even medical related books ) this all kind of books are available here in cheap price (the books are 2nd hand that's y it's on cheap price ) but the condition you will get of books is good. And about notes books these things u will get new in cheap price ( binding note book , diaries and all kind of note book) .🇮🇳🙂




    It's one of the finest place in Delhi. If you have to ever relax and chill in a relatively calm area.. it's the best. Can enjoy movies at delite cinema.

  • Gopa Kumar

    Gopa Kumar


    This metro station in Delhi city is located near to Delhi Gate and Lok Nayak Hospital. If you want to go Delhi Nursing Council please alight here., only 10 minuets walkable distance. A lift is working at side for physically challenged and elder people. If you want to change to other lines of Delhi metro please go to Kasmere Gate station. From Kasmere Gate station of Delhi Metro you can go to Qutub Minar and Central secretariat (Parliament House ) by changing to Yellow Lines.

  • Anjali Singh

    Anjali Singh


    Clean and tidy station Awesome from inside U can't recharge Ur metro card through credit card or debit card it won't work her. Nearest metro station to New Delhi TB centre, LNJP hospital, GB Pant hospital And Maulana Azad medical college.

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