Central Secretariat i New Delhi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienCentral Secretariat


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Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Marg, Rajpath Road Area, Central Secretariat, Rajpath Area, Central Secretariat, New Delhi, Delhi 110001, India
kontakter telefon: +91
internet side: www.delhimetrorail.com
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Latitude: 28.6151665, Longitude: 77.2119754

kommentar 5

  • Bhagirath jareda

    Bhagirath jareda


    I am metro man ......😜 This area Most beautiful and VIPs area of Delhi... Delhi metro of Delhi life line.

  • Lakhan Kumar

    Lakhan Kumar


    Good and well cleaned metro station and it is near to "India gate " and it is interchangble metro station for voilate line...

  • Akarsh Chauhan

    Akarsh Chauhan


    Nice place also well maintained metro station. Close to India gate, rashtrapati bhawan

  • Amar Deep

    Amar Deep


    Central secretriate is the junction point of yellow line and violet line. It is one of the nearest metro station to the famous India gate and is situated in the middle of the city. This metro station is also the nearest to the parliament of India. One can get down here to go to the famous jantar mantar and the ramlila maidan. Central secretriate is an underground metro station. It remains busy all the time as it is an exchange point for the passengers traveling between New Delhi and Faridabad. The metro station is neat and clean. Staffs are helpful and attentive.

  • Amit Saini

    Amit Saini


    This is a underground metro station.. Its very big station. interchange for faridabad line.. There are few ATM in the premises. No parking available nearby. Nearest parking is Patel chowk metro station. Escalators available for up to ground level. Has washrooms in the premise on paid basis.

nærmeste Metrostation

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