Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium i New Delhi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienJawaharlal Nehru Stadium


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CGO Complex, Pragati Vihar, New Delhi, Delhi 110003, India
kontakter telefon: +91
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Latitude: 28.589363, Longitude: 77.233562

kommentar 5

  • Prashant Kumar

    Prashant Kumar


    All the stations in New Delhi area are really great. JLN Stadium Station is less crowded and spacious. The JLN Stadium, CGO Complex, Dyal Singh College are near the station. Also, Lodi Garden & Humayun's Tomb are easily accessible.

  • en

    rampravesh singh


    Best stadium in iall over ndia .

  • P L Arora

    P L Arora


    Best Statium of International standard. Near CGO COMPLEX.

  • Shades Of India

    Shades Of India


    Nice metro station with full departure boards and navigation also...full security and outside view is also awsm...😍🙏

  • Buro



    The stadium is beuutiful. However, amenities like drinking water may be difficult to find. Also the seats are pretty dirty and uncomfortable. Also crowd management by Delhi Police during big events leaves a lot to be desired; expect traffic snarls and long walks from where you leave the car to the stadium. The gate numbers are also not visible from very far.

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